Plethora of Links (now with more Ukulele)
With work, I have had less time to share insightful commentary with the world. With work, I have seen more videos than I would have thought possible. With guitar, I have a new appreciation for what it would actually take to rock the ukulele (hint: this man does the impossible).
00:06 CST | category / entries / links
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Are you aware?
Be slightly wary of sound effects, but this is a funny, slightly scary, probably very useful little trick. Also related to Mr. Templeton’s brief essay on the difficulties of remaining truly anonymous on the internet or in almost any situation (and Mr. Schneier’s linkage to similar).
11:57 CST | category / entries / links
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Hey Ya!
Hey Ya! like you’ve never seen it, but will probably want to see it again. Originally I wanted to record my progress with playing Malaguena (would that be podcasting?), but I don’t have a really good recording set up and I still occasionally make mistakes while playing the song so it would take me a few take’s before I got it right. Will have to watch the guy playing in the video a few more times and see if I can get the acoustic version down. Doesn’t seem too difficult, comparable to the times I’ve played around with Johnny Cash’s version of U2’s One
Work is good but busy (see to get a rough idea of what type of stuff I’m working on). Got tickets to Mexico (luckily!!) and will be headed down until Sep 3. Wish me luck!
09:25 CST | category / entries / links
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