Actually, I lie. It’s not Deep Space Nine (DS9), but instead The Original Series (TOS), but I’m taking some poetic liberty here on account of its awesomeness.
Star Trek + NIN Closer == Awesome.
In other news, I’m attempting to aggregate my social media again. Hopefully I’ll get my tweets, my delicious links, other RSS, etc. Oh, the perils of not giving in and just using facebook.
I can’t count the number of times I’ve wanted a simple random selection from a file. I always get confused by trips down $RANDOM and perl-isms, but no more! I present to you:
... | sort -R | head -1
sort -R — sort by random hash of keys.
Developers of sort, you are mad geniuses for hiding “put things in correct order” and “put things in totally incorrect order” in the same place.