Jasmine JazzyFizzle’s Lean and Clean Diet
The Grocery List
Buy this and only this. You will need to refresh about every 7 days:
- 1 gallon milk
- 48 oz chicken broth
- A dozen eggs
- Oatmeal/Grits
- 2 x 4oz portions Salmon Filets
- 4 x 4 oz portions Tilapia Filets
- 6 x 4oz portions Chicken Breast
- 1 x lb Ground Turkey
- 1 x Choice Beef Steak
- About 1 lb each vegetable
- (Broccoli, Cauliflower, Carrots, Yellow Squash, Green Squash, Lettuce, Onions, Tomatoes)
- 4 Sweet Potatoes
- 2 lbs Brown Rice
- Seasonings
- (Lemon Pepper, Garlic, Onion, Chili Powder, Honey, Honey Mustard, Cinnamon etc the more the better!)
- Several single-serve yogurt containers
- All Fruit No Sugar Popsicles
- Sugar-free chocolate syrup
- About 6-7 gallons of water (get the 2.5 gallon container)
- Meal replacement shake(s) / Protein Powder
- Fish Oil Vitamins
You may make substitutions, but I suggest you try the diet with the recommended food your first time through, then tweak it when you get ready to do it again based on your results.
Your meals should look like this. If they don’t you’re doing something wrong and Jasmine will yell at you. She will also yell at you if you have cheese, any kinds of sauces (use powder / spices / dry rubs instead), any kind of alcohol, and if you don’t eat your vegetables. Don’t make Jasmine angry! :-)

The Diet:
Wake Up:
- Drink 20oz of water from travel container and refill
- Take multivitamins and fish oil
- Drink milk/chocolate milk
2 hours later:
- Drink 20oz of water from travel container and refill
- Eat 2 eggs and 1 cup oatmeal
2 hours later:
- Drink 20oz of water from travel container and refill
- Drink meal replacement shake
3 hours later:
- Drink 20oz of water from travel container and refill
- Eat 1 4oz portion of protein, 8oz choice veggies, 4 oz complex carbs
2 hours later:
- Drink 20oz of water from travel container and refill
- Eat 1 yogurt, 1 sweet potato
3 hours later:
- Eat 1 4oz portion of protein, 8oz choice veggie, 4 oz complex carbs, 1 popsicle
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