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Fri, 24 Feb 2012

Git in Two Ten(?) Minutes.

I’ve only got two ten(?) minutes so I’ll make this quick.

Git identifies everything uniquely by “SHA1’s” based on the contents. We will use the following SHA1’s as examples representing “commits” in a simplified git repository.

echo git1 | sha1sum = 4975febf96488bd932313aa2846ab0c89860cdb8
echo git2 | sha1sum = 70d5b110333a87a17dc2eb4f42506ae3f57c5b13
echo git3 | sha1sum = bf18d75b5761252f9c70a3f300cb03a2497b1d6e
echo git4 | sha1sum = ab3ac50a9c033bb43687e27f066463db1497b714
echo git5 | sha1sum = 1a7bf3c387128af2faef58834d7bbdacd16e477b

Git basically operates as a linked list, one of the most fundamental structures in programming. Think of the SHA1’s as pointers. Each “commit” is uniquely identified, and has a reference to the commit that came before it (its “parent”).

            'parent': null
              'sha1': '4975febf96488bd932313aa2846ab0c89860cdb8',
            'parent': '4975febf96488bd932313aa2846ab0c89860cdb8'
              'sha1': '70d5b110333a87a17dc2eb4f42506ae3f57c5b13',
            'parent': '70d5b110333a87a17dc2eb4f42506ae3f57c5b13'
              'sha1': 'bf18d75b5761252f9c70a3f300cb03a2497b1d6e',
            'parent': 'bf18d75b5761252f9c70a3f300cb03a2497b1d6e'
              'sha1': 'ab3ac50a9c033bb43687e27f066463db1497b714',
            'parent': 'ab3ac50a9c033bb43687e27f066463db1497b714'
              'sha1': '1a7bf3c387128af2faef58834d7bbdacd16e477b',

I’m actually going to re-write this with a slightly different data structure (a hash, keyed by the unique identifier and its parent):

        // SHA1 // PARENT SHA1 // "name"
        '497...': null,        // (git1)
        '70d...': '497...',    // (git2)
        'bf1...': '70d...',    // (git3)
        'ab3...': 'bf1...',    // (git4)
        '1a7...': 'ab3...'     // (git5)

If I say “Tell me the history of 1a7bf3c387128af2faef58834d7bbdacd16e477b”, you put your finger on 1a7..., see that its parent is ab3... and can trace the history back until the very beginning 497....

We have two concepts. A unique identifier (SHA1) and the fact that each SHA1 knows its parent (the “linked list”).

If I ask you to point to bf1... we can walk backwards to 70d... using the “parent” reference, but not “forwards” to ab3... unless you scan all the SHA1’s looking for things that refer to bf1... (which is a slow operation).

The reasoning behind this is because when you’ve commited bf1... to git, it’s impossible to know what your next commit will be. Will it be to [fix bug 123]? Or will you [fix bug 456]? Or will you [add feature FOO]? What if you did all three simultaneously?

Now to introduce two new SHA1’s.

echo git4b | sha1sum = 37bc26b0971807ff72bf1a2ac1e2e2d2bca7d53e
echo git5b | sha1sum = 7f4aab0b9f240fe0293fe2df10225a2ef4a468c7

These represent an alternate future where instead of committing git4, git5 on top of git3 we commited instead git 4b, git5b. Now we have an ASCII picture:

                 /            \
             ab3...(git4)     37b...(git4b)
               ^               ^
               |               |
             1a7...(git5)     7f4...(git5b)

And that’s git. Git doesn’t care what those numbers mean, it just lets you track them “easily”. Updating our example hashmap from above.

        // SHA1 // PARENT SHA1 // "name"
        '497...': null,        // (git1)
        '70d...': '497...',    // (git2)
        'bf1...': '70d...',    // (git3)
        'ab3...': 'bf1...',    // (git4)
        '1a7...': 'ab3...'     // (git5)
        '37b...': 'bf1...',    // (git4b)
        '7f4...': '37b...'     // (git5b)

You can point to 1a7... and walk all the way back to 497... or put your finger on 7f4... and get back to 497... because it is basically a linked list.

Using this simple data structure, you have just implemented local branching. You can switch back and forth between 1a7... and 7f4... very easily. The history is different between the two “branches” but everything from bf1... and above is “shared history” between the two “branches”. These separate branches exist simultaneously and are fundamentally impossible to conflict because each has a complete history all the way back to the first commit: 497....

The final concept to introduce is “synonyms” or “branches”. Since it’s impossible for humans to deal only with 1a7... or 7f4... git will let you “name” branches. You can call 1a7...trunk” or “master”. You can call 7f4...beta”. The names are important to the humans using the system, but not to git.

Remember when we weren’t sure if the next step after bf1... was going to be to fix bug 123, 456, or implement feature “foo”? If you have three developers on three different computers, they can each be working on those three different tasks. As a matter of fact, the goal of every modern version control system is to have different developers at different computers working on different tasks simultaneously.

Fundamentally, if everybody “knows” that the most recent version is bf1... there are an infinite number of things that could happen after bf1.... The development process when using git is for individual developers to create these new possible histories locally on their computer, somehow decide that one of those histories is “the new most recent version”, and convince the world that new changes should be based on that new “most recent version”, or at least take that new version into consideration.

There are no “practical” git commands in this description of git and here ends our two ten minutes. But given the above mental model I can assure you you’ll understand the following (assuming you’ve already got a copy of a git repository on your machine via git clone ... or similar):

$ git checkout 1a7
...makes the files in your working directory match the full
history of 1a7bf3c387128af2faef58834d7bbdacd16e477b above

$ git checkout 7f4
...makes the files in your working directory match the full
history of 7f4aab0b9f240fe0293fe2df10225a2ef4a468c7 above
(this is "switching branches")

$ git checkout -b bug-1234-fixing-some-thing 7f4
...this makes "bug-1234-fixing-some-thing" be a synonym for
the full history 7f4aab0b9f240fe0293fe2df10225a2ef4a468c7

$ git checkout -b trunk 1a7
...this makes "trunk" be a synonym for the full history 
of 1a7bf3c387128af2faef58834d7bbdacd16e477b

$ git checkout bug-1234-fixing-some-thing
...this "switches branches" again back to
7f4aab0b9f240fe0293fe2df10225a2ef4a468c7 because 'bug-1234-fixing-some-thing'
is literally just a synonym for 7f4aab0b9f240fe0293fe2df10225a2ef4a468c7
...notice the lack of "-b" since the branch / synonym / name already exists

$ git checkout trunk
...this "switches branches" again back to
1a7bf3c387128af2faef58834d7bbdacd16e477b because again, trunk is literally
a synonym for 1a7bf3c387128af2faef58834d7bbdacd16e477b
...again notice the lack of "-b" since the branch already exists

If you understand that a branch / branch name is just a synonym for these unique SHA1 identifiers (and by implication this includes their full and complete history) you are doing great!

So back to our scenario from above what we’ve done is put labels on the two different histories. Let’s put one more label on things now:

$ git checkout -b v1.2.3 bf1
...this makes "v1.2.3" be a synonym for the history from bf1...
back to the first commit (497...)
                      /   v1.2.3 \
                     /            \
                 ab3...(git4)     37b...(git4b)
                   ^               ^
                   |               |
                 1a7...(git5)     7f4...(git5b)
                   trunk            bug-1234-fix-some-thing

So now we can reason a little bit better about everything. bf1... was released to production as “version 1.2.3” and then there was some development done on trunk, but there was also a bugfix done to fix bug 1234. Let’s say that the bugfix for bug 1234 hasn’t been shared with anybody yet (it’s still on the local developer’s computer, or hasn’t been pushed to production or integrated into “trunk”).

Git gives us two very compelling options:

In scenario #1, how do we do it? Well we want 7f4... to go out to production so we add a label to it:

$ git checkout -b v1.2.4 7f4
...this makes "v1.2.4" be a synonym for the history from 7f4...
back to the first commit (497...)

Showing the changes on the tree:

                      /   v1.2.3 \
                     /            \
                 ab3...(git4)     37b...(git4b)
                   ^               ^
                   |               |
                 1a7...(git5)     7f4...(git5b)
                   trunk            bug-1234-fix-some-thing

Then run your normal release process to push out 7f4... to production (copy files, build packages, whatever).

You’ll notice that now 7f4... now has two “synonyms”. That’s easy enough to fix…

$ git branch -d bug-1234-fix-some-thing
remove the now redundant label that points to 7f4

Excellent! We’ve now fixed and released a critical bug in production without disturbing the normal development process.

But what if the bug wasn’t super-critical and should just be batched up with all the other fixes?

This is where there is some disagreement in the git community around “linear” history, “rebasing” and “merging”. Just hold your breath and remember that git is a linked list. And now to fully disclose, I lied a little bit about git being exactly a linked list. Git commits can actually have one or more than one “parent”.

Let’s look at a “merge” commit, but I need to introduce a new SHA1:

echo 1a7,7f4 | sha1sum = c2804854f39203f53a4cbf1fd4e17dfef218fd17

This is trying to represent a new commit which has two parent references in order to let you traverse both the 1a7... and 7f4... histories.

                      /   v1.2.3 \
                     /            \
                 ab3...(git4)     37b...(git4b)
                   ^               ^
                   |               |
                 1a7...(git5)     7f4...(git5b)
                   trunk            bug-1234-fix-some-thing
                     \            /
                      \__  ______/ 
                         c28...(git6) - has pointers to both 1a7 and 7f4

So, now we have a new SHA1 c28... that points two both 1a7... and 7f4... as parents. We still don’t know what the future holds, but we know for sure how we got here. And we haven’t given c28... a name yet. Howabout “trunk”?

                      /   v1.2.3 \
                     /            \
                 ab3...(git4)     37b...(git4b)
                   ^               ^
                   |               |
                 1a7...(git5)     7f4...(git5b)
                    trunk           bug-1234-fix-some-thing
                     \            /
                      \__  ______/ 
                         c28...(git6) - has pointers to both 1a7 and 7f4

In git this is called a “merge commit” because it has two parents. Some people like it because it clearly segregates the fact that the development for 7f4... happened separately, it was based off of bf1..., there’s a very rich history and metadata about how the change occurred. although in a repository with many merge commits the little “merge bubbles” that appear in the history can sometimes be hard to understand.

The other option is called “rebasing”. It’s when you take the history or changes from one branch and pretend it happened on a different branch or in a different way. Going back to the original situation:

                      /   v1.2.3 \
                     /            \
                 ab3...(git4)     37b...(git4b)
                   ^               ^
                   |               |
                 1a7...(git5)     7f4...(git5b)
                   trunk            bug-1234-fix-some-thing

What if we want to just move our bug-1234 changes over to trunk and pretend that we made them there in the first place?

$ git rebase 1a7 7f4
...replay the changes from `7f4...` onto `1a7...`

Or using synonyms (aka: “branches”):

$ git rebase trunk bug-1234-fix-some-things

Now, remembering that git has SHA1’s and “parent” references, we can’t actually put 7f4... and 37b... after 1a7.... This is another little detail about the git format. Each SHA1 actually cryptographically “signs” or includes the parental history reference. The parent of 7f4... will always be 37b... and is impossible to change. So we can’t actually move 7f4... on to 1a7... as is. BUT what we can do is replay the change history from 7f4... “on top of” 1a7.... It’s a subtle but important distinction. You’re making the same changes but with different parent references. In order to show how this works I’ll need to introduce some new SHA1’s.

echo git6 | sha1sum = 27ce3159f636bbc1645237bd51ae852391ec7596
echo git7 | sha1sum = 07282395ce8f4b29df2811c1ce74c06f9ca13898

These two SHA1’s can be assumed to be exactly the same changes described by 37b... and 7f4... respectively, but just with their parent references adjusted to be “played back on top of” 1a7..., giving us the following picture.

                      /   v1.2.3 \
                     /            \
                 ab3...(git4)     37b...(git4b)
                   ^               ^
                   |               |
                 1a7...(git5)     7f4...(git5b)
                   trunk            bug-1234-fix-some-thing
                 27c...(git6) - used to be git4b
                 072...(git7) - used to be git5b

Git at this point has been convinced that the 37b... and 7f4... changes actually were “based on” 1a7... when they were originally based on bf1.... And this is why the community is split on the “validity” or “correctness” of rebasing vs. merging.

In the merge scenario, you can see exactly the actual development history of how the two branches started from a common ancestor and eventually came back together. With rebasing, you “lose” the fact that the changes actually happened in a different order or in a different place but in many cases that ordering or common ancestor information is not actually relevant.

It is important to note that, unless you explicitly tell people about the 7f4... reference, that history and data is not shared or available to anyone else and would eventually be lost.

The way git works, no data is actually ever “lost” locally even after rebasing because git still keeps around the information (at least locally) about the 7f4... history. The local copy just now has two new additions to the tree… 27c... and 072.... And we need to fixup the references.

                      /   v1.2.3 \
                     /            \
                 ab3...(git4)     37b...(git4b)
                   ^               ^
                   |               |
                 1a7...(git5)     7f4...(git5b)
                   trunk            bug-1234-fix-some-thing

Actually git will normally upate the synonyms / branch references for us automatically, doing “the right thing” without any issues. But since you’re now an expert on how git works, you know that you could put these “branches” / “labels” / “synonyms” anywhere you’d like.

If you’d like to convince the world that 072... is now the latest and greatest, well… just call it “trunk” now.

                      /   v1.2.3 \
                     /            \
                 ab3...(git4)     37b...(git4b)
                   ^               ^
                   |               |
                 1a7...(git5)     7f4...(git5b)

…and you should notice pretty quickly that the “bug-1234-fix-some-thing” synonym is now redundant and the synonym could be deleted. You should also notice that 7f4... can’t be reached by any of the “named branches”. Eventually git will expire these orphan commits and garbage-collect them but they still exist at least on your local hard drive. If you want them to be available to other people you have to publish them, name them, and make them available, but since the important information has been transmitted over to the “trunk” branch, it’s often not very useful to share that information.

The biggest point to realize is that if you’ve made a commit and gotten a SHA1 from git, it’s almost impossible to “lose” data with git. Because the base git data structure is so “simple”, any SHA1 will give you an exact reference from tip to tail of the exact, cryptographically secure state of every bit of data along that chain.

So when people tell you that “git lost my data” the most likely scenario is that git may have “lost” or overwritten uncommitted data in their working directory. Until you get used to the malleability of git’s history tree you might be “scared” of committing work that isn’t ready, but in actuality, committing is the safest thing you can do in git. If you commit something in git, you can always get back to it, bit-for-bit, and you can always “undo” it because you can always just restore things to the way the parent was.

The most dangerous time in any version control system is when you have changes that aren’t committed and triply so in git because that is the only time you have a non-zero chance of really losing your data. Most of the time git will avoid losing or overwriting local data but as far as I can remember off the top of my head, only git clean ... can be manipulated to delete files that aren’t checked into git, and git reset ... can be run in a way that overwrites your local uncommitted changes with an old state of the repository. In both of those cases the “only” work that is at risk is work that has not been committed, so if you have any doubt whatsoever, it is better to err on the side of adding a local commit or make a backup of any files or changes that you’re not sure about.

I think I’ve gone over my ten minutes now, but I hope that this conceptual overview is helpful to reason about git. My goal has been to take out some of the “mystery” of git but leave the “magic”. Once you understand that git is very easy, almost “simple” to understand and reason about, the mystery goes away and you are left with the ability to do magic.

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