A boss of mine once said this:
Class A people hire class A people
Class B people hire class C people
I think that is spot on.
Some other good links I’ve run across lately- a story about how supporting an existing system can be more difficult than the system itself needs to be. Some insights on unit testing, and a small cautinary tale about the perils of investing a lot of energy in GUI-testing. You’ll never get humans completely out of the loop, so take advantage of the time that they’re in there.
I’ve gotten shanghaied by the Dallas PHP user group into pulling together a full GUI testing presentation to complement the unit testing presentation I gave and that Tommy and I recently reprised.
I think I’ll look at it in two ways:
- as a full-time job (full libraries, state machines, etc)
- as a quick adjunct to normal development (ie: re-record 10 tests once a week)
…and making sure to emphasize how GUI automation dovetails with code-level unit testing.
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